Food for thoughtPersonal growth

58 Things I’ve Learned in 58 Years

Yesterday marked my 58th solar lap so I thought I’d update my sort of annual list of things I’ve learned so far. This time, however, I started from scratch so a lot of the list is new. Some is repeated because, honestly, I can’t remember what I wrote before. Without further ado (whatever that is) here are 58 things I’ve learned in 58 years:

  1. Faith is less about what God does and more about who God is.
  2. Buying new cars on payments is a sure way to get stuck in debt.
  3. There is no way to understand the world without seeing the world.
  4. Kansas doesn’t get better with time.
  5. Life without a local church seems impossible.
  6. Sometimes faith is not not believing in God.
  7. For the most part people are doing the best they can under the circumstances.
  8. Glancing back is helpful, staring into the abyss is not.
  9. Quitting golf is not that hard and carries few regrets.
  10. Matching socks are in the eye of the beholder.
  11. Experiences last longer than things.
  12. Trying to run alongside a car going 70 mph is a really poor decision.
  13. The best things in life may be free, but its hard to beat a really good Italian meal.
  14. A tickle fight with a grandchild erases most of life’s worries.
  15. Soul mates are cultivated not discovered.
  16. The Road to Hana may not be the most dangerous road in the world, but it will keep your attention.
  17. Not being able to dance is a poor excuse not to dance.
  18. The best music was, is and will always be 70s light rock.
  19. Age wears the sharp edges off theology.
  20. Evil is more prevalent in complacency than action.
  21. There is more than one Hyatt Place hotel near the convention center in Gwinnett, Georgia.
  22. It doesn’t matter that something is extremely rare when it happens to a family member.
  23. Hawaiian Shave Ice and snow cones are not the same thing.
  24. A well-timed text from a close friend is an incredible gift.
  25. Incessant barking from the dog next door can lead to justifiable homicide. (I hope)
  26. The best gelato in the world is from Gelateria Dondoli in San Gimignano, Italy.
  27. A hand-drawn birthday card from a grandchild is the best gift possible.
  28. Love letters are much more persuasive than lectures.
  29. More discipleship happens in a hospital waiting room than a classroom.
  30. Believing God loves you even though he doesn’t do what you desperately want him to do is faith.
  31. Diet Coke, though deadly, is delightful in the morning.
  32. Dancing to James Taylor’s “How Sweet It Is” with your daughter at her wedding is worth whatever it takes to get to that moment.
  33. Almost no one is out to get you; they just don’t have the time.
  34. As you get older, things become less important than time.
  35. God uses some pretty whacky people.
  36. See everything you can as soon as you can; you never know when Notre Dame might burn down.
  37. Parenting doesn’t have a finish line. It doesn’t even have a halftime.
  38. The most beautiful chapel in the world is Sainte-Chapelle.
  39. Seven year olds tell great stories; not necessarily rooted in facts, but full of imaginative details.
  40. 85 year olds tell similar stories to seven your olds.
  41. The opening montage of “Up” is the saddest scene in any movie.
  42. You never get over missing your mom.
  43. Holding onto bitterness is the most toxic and wasteful thing you can do.
  44. A 1982 Cadillac Sedan DeVille will not float
  45. Climbing mountains is best left to people who don’t require oxygen to breathe.
  46. Kids turn out ok even if you feed them Dr Pepper and fried cherry pies for breakfast.
  47. Following your heart is a great for a graduation speech but lousy career advice.
  48. Heaven may be full of people I don’t particularly like.
  49. Getting lost in Tuscany is a great way to find amazing pizza.
  50. No matter where you move your childhood team will always be your team.
  51. Buying cars sight unseen off eBay is not a great idea.
  52. My parents didn’t know what they were doing, just like me.
  53. God is most present in the scariest moments.
  54. The hokey pokey isn’t really what its all about.
  55. Having more years behind than ahead brings priorities into focus.
  56. Moose are better observed from a distance.
  57. You can’t do everything you set your mind to. (i.e. NBA)
  58. As much as I’d like a do-over on many things, moving forward is more productive than looking back.

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